April 28, 2023

Italmatch Advanced Water Solutions supports Kenya geothermal development

The company joined a four days mission in Kenya organized by UNIDO ITPO Italy

Italmatch Chemicals Advanced Water Solutions - Geogard solutions to support Kenya Geothermal development

Italmatch Chemicals Advanced Water Solutions supports Kenya geothermal industrial development. The company was part of a 14 Italian companies delegation on a mission organized by UNIDO ITPO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization – Investment and Technology Promotion Office) Italy. The aim of the project is to assist Kenya in the green energy development and to realise Kenya’s incredible potential in the geothermal field.

During the four-day trip, Richard Barwell (Regional Sales & Marketing MEA Director Advanced Water Solutions) visited local geothermal plants, attended conferences with Kenyan players in the sector and shared Italmatch Chemicals’ technical capabilities and know-how in the geothermal sector. Thanks to its expertise in the field of antiscalants specialty chemicals, Italmatch will support country’s geothermal expansion, ensure scale-free and efficient geothermal operations.

Geogard® scale and corrosion inhibitors are in fact designed to effectively prevent and control scaling and fouling that can occur in even the most challenging geothermal environments (click here to read the full Geogard products list >).  By preventing scale deposition, Italmatch Chemicals solutions for geothermal applications ensure high plant performance and reduce risk of costly and unplanned shut-downs during operations.

Want to find out all the details about the project? Listen to Richard Barwell (Regional Sales & Marketing MEA Director Advanced Water Solutions ) talk about his experience in Kenya in the video below:

The project is part of the “Fostering International Partnerships between companies and/or institutions operating in the Energy and Environment sectors” project. Learn more about the initiative by visiting UNIDO ITPO Italy official website >